Blue Sky
Flying Seagulls
Blue Ocean

Hi there, I'm

Ashmita Mittal

4th-year Computer Science student at the University of Waterloo.
Aspiring software engineer, AI enthusiast, and technophile.
Eager to collaborate on innovative tech projects.


Hello! I'm Ashmita, a 4th-year Computer Science student at the University of Waterloo. I'm deeply passionate about technology and its transformative power to craft innovative solutions. I'm especially drawn to the capabilities and potential of AI.

Outside of programming, I often find solace in writing, crafting both poetry and prose. My intrigue extends to the realms of social psychology and cognition. In the tech world, I continuously seek opportunities to delve deeper, learn, and make a meaningful impact.

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My Co-op work experiences

Sep - Dec 2023

I worked on developing a dynamic evidence and entity loader to enhance knowledge graph creation, integrating cutting-edge technologies like GenerativeAI, LLM, llamaIndex, langchain, AWS Bedrock, and OpenAI.

Jan - Apr 2023

I refined the deployment processes of the Renovate tool and made notable contributions to RBC's open-source repository. Additionally, I enhanced the CI/CD pipeline, improving team efficiency and reinforcing code quality through extensive unit tests.

May - Aug 2022

I developed a real-time credit risk microservice, integrated with a React frontend via gRPC/protobuf. I crafted user-centric credit analytics visualizations, transforming intricate data into insights, and deployed with Kubernetes and Docker.

Project Team Member @ Microsoft WE Accelerate Program

May - Aug 2021

In the Waterloo Experience Accelerate Program, our team proposed AI solutions addressing global Accessibility issues. We conceptualized an AI and ML tool to assist architects in designing more inclusive spaces.

May - Aug 2021

I helped design and implement the DreamHack 2021 website prototype, improving user onboarding, registration, and more. I also contributed to the backend using Django and created a dashboard for league admins to seamlessly access player details.

In addition to my co-op experiences, I've also engaged in the following endeavors:

  • - Research Assistant @ University of Waterloo (Political Science) (2022-2023): Assisted in key research projects and qualitative data collection and organization
  • - VP Web Designer @ (WUSA Club) (2021-2022): Pioneered and launched the first website
  • - Cultural and Educational Exchange @ Cambreur College, Dongen (2019): India x The Netherlands
  • - Web Developer @ Madasky Consulting (2020) - Developed and mangaged the website
  • - R&D Volunteer @ Kolhapur, India District Council (2018-2019): Positioning of a public school founded in the 1870s



Thanks for visiting! Feel free to reach out!